What to expect from our Saturday Flu Clinics
Posted on October 1st, 2020
Due to Covid 19, our Saturday Flu Clinics will be a little different this year.
Please read this post to be aware of what to expect before attending for your appointment:
We will be operating a ‘walk through’ vaccination clinic this year.
Please remember to wear a face covering when attending. Do not attend your appointment if you have any covid symptoms (cough, high temperature, loss of sense of smell or taste) or you are currrently self isolating.
- Please do not arrive early for your appointment. Due to social distancing, those who arrive early may be required to wait outside.
- Whilst waiting for your appointment, please remember to social distance. There are black tape lines on the floor outside the Surgery to mark a safe distance.

- You will be greeted at the door and your name will be checked in. Please be patient as we will only be letting one patient in at a time so we can do all the relevant checks safely.

- Your temperature will be taken once you enter, you will also be asked to hand sanitize and take any jacket / coat off so your arm isn’t covered and you are ready for your vaccination.

- You will be walked through to a waiting zone where we will ask you to wait until a Clinician is ready to call you in.Our Clinicians will be waiting in the doorway of their room where they will have a prepared trolley. The Clinician will ask for you to stand with the arm you wish to be vaccinated facing them.

- Once you have been vaccinated, you will be guided out of our back exit to follow our one way system.
We would like to thank you for your help and co-operation.