Fearnhead Cross & Longford Street Surgeries

Fearnhead Cross Medical Practice, 25 Fearnhead Cross, Warrington, WA2 0HD

Telephone: 01925 847000

We're open

Longford Street Surgery, Longford Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA2 7QZ | Telephone: 01925 255600


Dr Edward Taylor (m) - Senior Partner MB ChB DRCOG MRCGP (Manchester 1992)

Dr Golam Chowdhury (m) - GP Partner MBBS (Dhaka 2003)

Dr Dawn Tragen (f) - GP Partner MB ChB (Manchester 1994)

Dr Shobha Ramesh (f) - GP Partner MBBS, MRCP, MRCGP, DFFP, Dip Occ

Dr Sanaa Khalil (f) - Salaried GP MBBS, MRCP

Dr Sara Nasir (f) - Salaried GP MBBS

Dr Shanti Natarajan (f) - Salaried GP MBBS, DFFP, MRCGP, MSc Diabetes

Dr Lavanya Villuri (f) - Salaried GP MBBS, MRCGP, DRCOG

Dr Oluseye Ajayi (m) - Salaried GP

Dr Lydia Akinniranye (f) - GP Registrar

Nursing Team

Nurse Clinicians

Mrs Gail Shelley (f)

Mrs Helena Redmond (f) – Locum ANP

Practice Nurse

Nurse Andrea Porter (f)

Nurse Shireen Spencer (f)


Healthcare Assistants

Mrs Pamela Hobden (f)

Mrs Kath Stone (f)

Mr Adrian Banach (m)


Clinical Support

Mr Christopher Morgan (m)

Pharmacist Team

Matthew Cockcroft (m) - Clinical Pharmacist

Jessica Dodd (f) - Clinical Pharmacist

Kate (f) - Clinical Pharmacist

Claire (f) - Pharmacy Technician

Management Team

Mrs Nicola Golding - Nicola Golding is the Practice Manager and has overall responsibility for the day to day running of the practice

Mrs Laura Andrews - Laura Andrews is the Deputy Practice Manager

Miss Ellie Stott - Ellie Stott is the Associate Manager

Mr Joe Dugdale - Joe Dugdale is the Associate Manager

Administration Team

The administrative team deal with all hospital referrals, medical reports, actioning test results and updating and administration of medical records. They also book private medicals for insurances or employment purposes and provide copies of records when requested by third parties, providing that they have received signed consent from patients.

Suzanne - Admin / Secretary

Tracy - Admin / Secretary

Sarah - Admin / Secretary

Alison - Admin / Secretary

Billy - Admin / Secretary

Reception Team

Receptionists are your first point of contact with the Practice. They will assist you with all your enquiries and repeat prescriptions.  Reception staff are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as the Doctors and Nurses.


Our Receptionists are all trained Patient Advisers

Patient Advisers will provide you with a first point of contact which directs you to the most appropriate source of help. Staff who are Patient Advisers have undertaken appropriate training to make it easier for you to get an appointment with the most appropriate professional – this could be with a healthcare assistant, practice nurse, clinical pharmacist, Advanced Nurse Practitioner or your GP.

To help you access the correct service, when you call your practice, the Patient Adviser will need to know a little about why you need an appointment.

They will ask you a few brief questions as Patient Advisers have a number of alternative types of appointments available to them and they need to offer you the most appropriate appointment to deal with your problem.


Susan - Patient Adviser / Receptionist

Karen - Patient Adviser / Receptionist

Donna - Patient Adviser / Receptionist

Lindsey - Patient Adviser / Receptionist

Christine - Patient Adviser / Receptionist

Areeba - Patient Adviser / Receptionist

Joanne - Patient Adviser / Receptionist

Caitlin - Patient Adviser / Receptionist

Rebecca - Patient Adviser / Receptionist

Toni - Senior Receptionist

Other Staff

Kevin (m) - Physiotherapist

Susan (f) - Mental Health Nurse

Sam (m) - Mental Health Nurse

Abbie (f) - Health & Wellbeing Coach

Dionne (f) - Frailty Care Co-ordinator

Cameron (m) - Social Prescriber

Attached Staff

Community Matron

The community matron offers care in the home to vulnerable patients

Community Midwives

Community midwives provide care and advice during pregnancy and after childbirth. They run the antenatal clinics for our patients at The Orchard Centre and Sandy Lane, for more information please click here

Community Nurses

District Nurses are involved in home nursing care. They are also responsible for dressings of wounds at the surgery. The District Nurses can be contacted on 01925 843866.

Opening Times- Fearnhead Cross Medical Centre

  • Monday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    Phone lines open 8-6.30 for emergencies
  • Tuesday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    Phone lines open 8-6.30 for emergencies
  • Wednesday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    Phone lines open 8-6.30 for emergencies
  • Thursday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    Phone lines open 8-6.30 for emergencies
  • Friday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    Phone lines open 8-6.30 for emergencies
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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