Fearnhead Cross Medical Practice, 25 Fearnhead Cross, Warrington, WA2 0HD
Telephone: 01925 847000
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Longford Street Surgery, Longford Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA2 7QZ | Telephone: 01925 255600
At Fearnhead Cross Medical Centre & Longford Street Surgery, we help to support and train both medical students and GP Registrar’s.
What is a GP Registrar?
A GP Registrar is a fully trained and registered Doctor who has chosen to specialise in General Practice. For all Doctors that train in the UK the first 7 years of their training will be very similar, they will spend 5 years at University to obtain a degree in medicine, followed by 2 years working as a Doctor in a variety of specialties, usually within a hospital – these two years are known as ‘foundation training’.
It is after these 7 years that Doctors then choose which specialty they would like to work in, this involves several years of further training on their chosen ‘training scheme’ and at the end of this time they will usually become either a consultant or a GP.
Each GP registrar is supervised by an experienced GP at their practice who acts as their trainer, they oversee the three years of training and offer day to day supervision during the final year.
Medical Students
The Practice also undertakes the training Student Nurses and 4th year Medical Students from Liverpool University. This training sometimes means that we have medical students present during consultations, you will be advised of this at the time of booking your appointment.
If you would prefer for the Student to not be present during the consultation, please make our Receptionist aware.