Fearnhead Cross & Longford Street Surgeries

Fearnhead Cross Medical Practice, 25 Fearnhead Cross, Warrington, WA2 0HD

Telephone: 01925 847000

We're open

Longford Street Surgery, Longford Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA2 7QZ | Telephone: 01925 255600

Clinical Pharmacist Appointments

We have  Clinical Pharmacists – Matthew, Jessica & Kate.

Matthew and Jessica hold medication review clinics at the Surgery and can help with aligning medications, discussing hospital discharges or medication related queries.

Matthew is part of our Diabetic Team and holds diabetic review appointments. He is also qualified to hold minor ailment clinics and can treat patients who present with sore throats, coughs, ear ache etc.

Opening Times- Fearnhead Cross Medical Centre

  • Monday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    Phone lines open 8-6.30 for emergencies
  • Tuesday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    Phone lines open 8-6.30 for emergencies
  • Wednesday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    Phone lines open 8-6.30 for emergencies
  • Thursday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    Phone lines open 8-6.30 for emergencies
  • Friday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    Phone lines open 8-6.30 for emergencies
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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